KIKI SMITH at Monnaie de Paris, France

Kiki Smith's exhibition at the Monnaie de Paris Museum, the first on this scale in France, presents a large range of works in bronze, glass, wax, plaster, tapestry and drawing.
From 18 October 2019 - 9 February 2020
Monnaie de Paris
11, quai de Conti - Paris 
KIKI SMITH at Musee cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne Switzerland

With a selection of nearly one hundred pieces, some of which have never been shown in Europe before, the exhibition includes work the american artist made over the past forty years. It is organized around the theme of sensory perception, which has been central to Smith’s work yet little explored until now.

Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne Switzerland. From 09/10/2020 - 10/01/2021

KIKI SMITH at Palazzo Pitti, Florence
What I saw on the Road

Palazzo Pitti in Florence presents What I saw on the Road, a solo show of twelve of Kiki Smith's tapestry editions, accompanied in the exhibition's six rooms by a selection of her sculptures.

15 February– 2 June 2019

KIKI SMITH at Staatliche Graphische Sammlung Monaco di Baveria
The exhibition TOUCH, Prints by Kiki Smith, opens at the the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung in Monaco di Baveria.
The artist has donated her oeuvre of published prints - single sheets, series, and artist’s books - to the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München. More than 160 works selected from this exceptional donation offer a fascinating look into the artist’s entire oeuvre of prints from 1985 to the present.
14 February - 26 May 2019
KIKI SMITH: PROCESSION - Haus der Kunst, Munich 2018

Curated by Petra Giloy-Hirtz, "Procession" presents an overview of Smith's practice over the past three decades. Smith's early works from the 1980s emerged in the wake of explosive political, social and cultural shift marked by the AIDS crisis; her response proved an energetic discourse on sexuality, gender, and feminist activism. Since the 1990s though, Smith has investigated alternative narratives, exploring history, myths, legends and tales, religious beliefs, and the traditions of nonwestern cultures. This exhibition embraces this multiplicity and traces its development to the present day.
2 February - 3 June 2018.

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